Christian Living

Christians Beware of Desensitization!

Christians Beware of Desensitization!

Posted By on Jan 19, 2016

“See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.” Col. 2:8 Many American institutions unfairly utilize “desensitization” tactics as tools of manipulation.  They do this in order to gain the public’s, including professing Christians’, acquiescence to a proposed position, even an immoral one.  Unfortunately, desensitization has even been a successful strategy employed against many professing Christians, who normally would oppose immoral positions.  The definition of “desensitize” is; (1)“To lessen the sensitiveness of. 2) To make indifferent, unaware, or the like, in feeling.”  Desensitization is usually most effective when conducted over a long period of time, the ultimate goal being to change the public’s opinion by one-sidedly bombarding them with the propagated point of view.  Virtually every form of medium is utilized to inundate the senses of the culture, thus creating a facade of normality and propriety in the minds of people.  Incidentally, it does not matter if the concept is immoral and sinful, it is presented as being moral, and strongly urged to be accepted. Most “unbelievers”, or people who are nonchalant or morally weak, are vulnerable and the most susceptible to the tactic of desensitization.  Either they will embrace the proposed change or will act apathetically toward it–“As long as it doesn’t affect me”, is typically their attitude.  This attitude basically leads to a verbal or tacit acceptance of the new position.  Such feeble attitudes are expected in unbelievers; those who do not know God and His word.  But, for true Christians, desensitization tactics suborning disobedience will rarely succeed.  Why?  Because believers rely on the truth of God’s word and are indwelt with the Holy Spirit, who protects them against deception.  They may be deluded for a time, but will not be able to suppress the voice of conscience permanently.  In essence, desensitization techniques, no matter how clever, pervasive, or intense, will never truly affect a true discerning believer, because believers know that the Bible is clear, authoritative, and impervious to change. Sadly, the American culture is being injected with massive doses of desensitization tactics in numerous areas, attempting to gain acceptance; for example, the homosexual/same-sex marriage agenda.  Once a shocking unthinkable disgrace now is embraced, exalted, and even applauded, thanks to the influential media, which the government has wielded like a bludgeon and repetitively hammered away at cultural thinking.  But, not all methods of desensitization are forceful and overt, more often they are very subtle. They media have done an exceptional job, cajoling and coercing the American public, into accepting homosexuality as a...

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Pray the Pope accepts the Gospel!

Pray the Pope accepts the Gospel!

Posted By on Sep 29, 2015

Christians pray diligently for the Roman pope Francis, that this man will embrace our Lord Jesus Christ-alone, and Jesus propitiatory work, through His brutal death on the cross for our sins, His bodily Resurrection, and Ascension into Heaven; life offered to those who seek our Triune God-alone.  Hope, eternal hope, is offered to those who seek, and are given never-ending peace, peace, without constant works, but through complete submission and obedience to our Triune God! Our Lord God has revealed Himself in creation and through the fully sufficient Word, the Bible, for which we have absolute Truth. Eph. 2:8,9, Romans 5....

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Encouragement To The Church Family!

Encouragement To The Church Family!

Posted By on Jun 28, 2015

America’s laws are changing so rapidly, drastically, and have become so diametrically opposed to God’s holiness, that the time has come for Christians to increase their commitment to the church and family.  Coincidentally, I was listening to a popular “Reformed” evangelical program, when a professing Christian “Sunday school teacher” asked; “How do we help our children as our culture rapidly and morally decays?”  I was stunned by his question.  Patiently, the host provided encouragement to this man, by suggesting that he teach the basic tenants of Christianity laid out in God’s word, but ended his answer by stating; “Children ought to be sitting in pews alongside their parents, listening to sound preaching and teaching and not dropped off at Sunday school and ought to be homeschooled where they can learn God’s truth unhindered”.  Great answer, I thought.  But, I was troubled, as to why any qualified “man of God” would call a show and ask such a fundamental question, as this man did, when we should be able to trust the leaders of our evangelical churches.  Yet it was a dark glimpse of our current culture.   As a “family” of believers we must do all that we can to encourage the children in our churches.  We are a universal “family” of brothers and sisters, and God commands us to love one another.  Therefore if we see any younger people in our churches we need to mentor and guide them, and give our full support to their parents.  As parents, God has entrusted our children to us, to instruct them with great wisdom and do everything possible to saturate children’s minds with the word of God (Duet. 6:5-9).  One way this can be achieved is by eliminating the life-robbing, mind-numbing, highly destructive entertainment, that we know pollutes the innocence of their minds, destroys their ability to “think”, and corrupts their hearts away from God.  Statistics prove the current “techy” generation has scored significantly lower in every area of academics.  So in the place of “entertainment” we ought to provide daily opportunities for our youth to hear and read the sanctifying Scriptures; they need to know that they are part of God’s family.  Part of this encompasses being seated in pews alongside their parents, listening to sermons, hearing the rich theology of hymns and participating each Lord’s Day with the family of God.  Furthermore, church leadership as well as parents ought to encourage instilling of family devotionals as part of their regular diet, and each child should have his or her personal Bible, with daily time alloted for reading alone and with family.  Additionally, it would be tremendously helpful for children to witness their parents behaving as paradigms of godly living...

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Witnessing A Missionary’s Heart!

Witnessing A Missionary’s Heart!

Posted By on Dec 8, 2014

Witnessing A Missionary’s Heart! “…How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of good things!” Isa. 52:7, Rom. 10:15   We crossed the border and entered Gallup, New Mexico at 3:30 pm, approximately thirty-five miles from our destination, the Zuni Indian Reservation. Fatigued and famished from the long commute, our missionary suggested that we dine and proceed to sleep; for we needed to wake very early the next morning.  Our spiritual brother, close friend, professional linguist, and Zuni missionary, Curtis D. Cook, had a full itinerary planned for us to accomplish the very next day. Once in our hotel room, we prayed for Curtis and the Zuni people; asking for the Lord’s blessing upon this very brief, yet extremely important missionary trip.  Curtis was eager to distribute his recently completed and self-published; “A Practical Zuni Dictionary.”  For us, it was indeed a privilege and honor just to hold his “landmark” Zuni dictionary in our hands, a work designed to accompany the Zuni “Gospel of John”, which he began to disseminate on a previous trip.  Ingeniously, Curtis intends for the dictionary to serve as adjunct to John’s Gospel, by further aiding the Zuni reader to understand many of the terms that occur in the Gospel.  We observed Curtis’ masterful work contained many years of effort, diligence, and sacrificial love to produce. In essence, Curtis selflessly utilized his God-given gift of language translation by melding it with a passion for the Zuni people’s salvation. Curtis Cook is a seventy-six year old Christian man who resided among the Zuni people for many years and has continuously ministered to the Zuni people for over fifty years.   On January 1, 1964, at a tender age of twenty-six, he moved to the Zuni reservation.  Once arriving, he immediately, with zeal began learning the Zuni language.  Remarkably, by 1967, a mere three years later, he completed and distributed a translation of the Gospel of Mark.  It is evident that God called and gifted Curtis at an early age to accomplish such significant work for the advancement of His kingdom.  It is also apparent that God has great accomplishments in store for him as He continues to open doors for his Zuni ministry to continue.  We have encouraged Curtis that, because of his unique ability, we believe God has entrusted him with five talents as in Matt. 25:15. As an example to all of us, Curtis rose to God’s high calling, acted as a responsible steward zealously performing tasks required of him.  It is evident to all who have witnessed his work that Curtis has a God-given deep compassion and love for the Zuni...

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Flee From Idolatry!

Flee From Idolatry!

Posted By on May 24, 2014

The word “RUN” has been reverberating through my mind since I heard it sonorously proclaimed from a pastor expositing 1 Cor. 10:14. He admonished his congregation to flee from the sin of idolatry and vehemently exhorted them to run from this deleterious and perilous iniquity, because it cripples sanctification and is an affront to God. Idolatry can manifest itself in many guises, either subtlety or overtly in the life of a believer. But in either way, idolatry is an insidious sin which must be dealt with intensely and consistently. In fact, idolatry is so serious to God, that He has this abomination classified in the first two of the Ten Commandments from which we are to obey. (Ex. 20:3-4). In the Old Testament, carved idols or graven images was an obvious type of idolatry committed by the Isrealites that evoked God’ just wrath. They constantly slipped into this transgression, thus infuriating the LORD.  Probably, the most well-known example of their idolatry was the fabrication and veneration of the golden calf by the newly-freed Israelites, as they impatiently waited for Moses, while he was conversing with God up on Mt. Sinai (Ex. 32:1-8). Today many religions are still culpable of committing this form of idolatry, and even in some Christian circles. But, a more surreptitious and pernicious form of idolatry, is the idolatry of the heart, which is rampant among many of today’s Evangelical Christians, especially in the United States where affluence and material excesses are prevalent. And because of these excesses, many times this form of idolatry remains un-confessed or un-dealt with.  In America idolatry of the heart is like a hidden internal cancer, unseen but very caustic to the life of a believer. Idolatry of the heart is equally abominable to God, because it allures the person’ adoration and affections away from the transcendent Creator and disobediently onto His creation (Rom. 1:25). Therefore, many of us wrestle with idolatry of the heart, because we live in great comfort and ease. The media glorifies materialism, portrays all excess’ as virtue and promote the need for immediate gratification in all things.  Just watch most television commercials and you will quickly be tantalized into discontentment with what you currently possess and suddenly begin coveting what you don’t have. Biblical idolatry is defined; as any person, place, or thing, that elicits more affection, attention or love from us, than that for our Heavenly Father God. When we detect idolatry’s presence tempting us, we ought to “run” fast and far from it. But, I prefer employing the word “flee”, as Paul does in 2 Tim. 2:22. Here he uses the word “flee” which is a much more appropriate word which always indicates...

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Employ Discernment!

Employ Discernment!

Posted By on May 14, 2014

At times it seems as if Christians today have lost their ability to discern truth.  We would never say the Holy Spirit is failing to guide and teach us the difference between right and wrong as stated in the Bible.  But, some seem so desensitized by the culture that they are disregarding God-given perspicacity and partaking in obvious blasphemies. At the beginning of his letter to Philippians, the Apostle Paul prayed for them to grow “more and more in real knowledge and discernment” (Phil. 1:9). And in the following verse wrote; “so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ;” (Phil. 1:10). So, why are Christians abandoning essential biblical discernment and recklessly partaking in what is abominable to God? Perhaps, the lack of discernment stems from being destitute of biblical study, thus void of biblical wisdom, which will severely cripple any believer, in numerous ways. For we are we are exhorted to renew our minds and perform what is pleasing to God. (Rom. 12:2).  Therefore, it is imperative to daily read and study the word of God and obey His precepts as the Holy Spirit aids us. At the risk of being accused of propagating legalism, ostracizing myself from many fellow believers, or jeopardizing some close frienships, I write this article. Currently, there are a myriad of movies, books, articles, blog articles, etc., appearing in the media making outrageous and erroneous claims, alleging “receiving new biblical revelation” or fraudulent and heretical revision of biblical history. Tragically, the Christian world is being inundated and attacked by these numerous unbiblical productions; Christian discernment must be at its pinnacle. All of these works have one thing in common, they are blasphemous or heretical, and ought not be considered. Such productions, remind me of a Greek word the Apostle Paul used to describe his life accomplishments and status prior to his conversion; he described them as, “skubalon” (refuse; dung; manure) (Phil. 3:8). I cannot restrain from applying that term to numerous alleged biblical productions, because it is so appropriate! That said, it is because of the rampant proliferation of this “skubalon“, that I can no longer remain silent and must defend the good Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many brothers and sisters in Christ are forsaking their God-given discernment to read or view heretical productions. Regardless, if they are chosing to exercise liberties in Christ or are desirous of entertainment (Rom. 14), they are opting to partake in blasphemy; yes, blasphemy! There is no other way to identify it. How are they blaspheming, you may ask? According to Scripture, if Christians are willfully purchasing a book, or paying admission to view a...

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