“A Christian Witness to Roman Catholicism”~Guest writer and apologist, Rob zins

Posted By on Apr 11, 2015 |

To Rome, Roman Catholics and those praying for them.

“A Christian Witness to Roman Catholicism”~Guest writer and apologist, Rob Zins

Dear Friends of His Word,


It seems that the apostle Paul has made it perfectly clear that all Christians are to understand that we live in a “world” within a “world”.  Listen to his advice to those Christians at Corinth.


“I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people; I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world.”  1 Corinthians 5:9-10


In the light of all the flak flying around the Indiana state legislature and governor perhaps we should step back and reflect a bit on the basics.


Christians are called to live in the sphere of biblical ethics and morals governed by the Word of God in community with other Christians.  This is where we live, move, and breathe so to speak.  It is the world created by the Word of God and all true Christians are a part of this world.  It is the Body of Christ.


However, as the apostle notes, we are a part of a broader context which Paul calls “the world.”  By this he means those outside of Christ.  One is either governed by being in Christ and His world or dominated by the wider more general “world” when it comes to living out one’s life and following principles of belief and conduct.


Christians must learn to cope with and “associate” in the domain of the secular world.  We cannot escape the secular world.  If we keep this straight we can be comforted.  We can rest in this truth and make our way knowing that we are strangers passing through.


Christians are free to do at least two things that seem on the surface contradictory but are in fact harmonious.   The first is freedom to associate with people of this world.  By association I do not mean endorse or become like. The danger for Christians is not in selling wedding cakes to Lesbians.  The danger is in selling cakes and not speaking the truth.  Christians cannot stop selling cakes to sinners.  And Christians dare not stop speaking the truth to sinners.  Second we are free to live by God’s definition of right and wrong, good and evil, and speak publicly of these things despite the wrath of the secular world.  Christians must serve the cake, cobble the shoe, deliver the mail, fix the air conditioning, and sell the car to sinners.  But Christians must speak the truth to Roman Catholics, Muslims, Mormons, Moonies, and all other religious cults that they are lost without being in Christ alone through faith alone.


The Indiana or Arkansas legislature cannot give or take away what God has given and taken away from His Christians.  Christians should make it perfectly clear that we are open for business.  Christians should give the best service and speak the clearest truth right along with it!  Rest easy. We are called for just such a purpose as this.  Totally free yet captive to Christ!